
Скачать Geoipcity Module [RUS,ENG]

GeoIP SE v 2.1

Geoipcity Module [RUS,ENG]

.: Описание :.
[quote]Модуль для показа города игрока, широты и долготы.[/quote]

.: Natives :.
[quote]* Lookup the full city name for the given IP address. Sets the buffer to \\\\\\"error\\\\\\" on unsuccessful lookup.
* @param ip        The IP address to lookup.
* @param result    The result of the geoip lookup.
* @param len        The maximum length of the result buffer.
native geoip_city( const ip[], result[], len=45 );

* Lookup the city's latitude for the given IP address. Returns 0 if latitude is not found.
* @param ip    The IP address to lookup.
* @return        The result of the geoip lookup. (float)
native Float:geoip_latitude( const ip[] );

* Lookup the city's longitude for the given IP address. Returns 0 if longitude is not found.
* @param ip    The IP address to lookup.
* @return        The result of the geoip lookup. (float)
native Float:geoip_longitude( const ip[] );

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  • efeecto
  • Дата: 3-07-2011, 18:16
  • Просмотры: 3 259